What is a Catholic school?
A Catholic school is catholic, welcoming all religions, races, and socio-economic classes. It is universal, promoting diversity and understanding of different cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. Founded on the belief that all men and women are created in God's image and likeness, a Catholic school teaches that we are all brothers and sisters in God's family.
A Catholic school partners with families in the education and formation of their children. The goal for the school and for the parents is the same - what is best for the students. Parents, teachers, and administrators work together to determine what will help students be successful. The school family becomes the student's second family: Students are known by name and respected for being who they are.
A Catholic school sets high standards. Students are called to respect one another and to hold one another to high standards of behavior. We honor the talents and gifts of students. Students are called to develop these talents to meet standards of performance that enable them to become the best versions of themselves. High standards of academic excellence challenge students where they are and promote growth. In preparation for college and career, students discover the intersection of their talents and their interests.
A Catholic school recognizes its obligation to serve others. Students are taught to give, not for reward or recognition, but because God has given so much to them. Service activities include both direct and indirect service. Students contribute to relief programs and food pantries; they tutor and mentor other students; they visit the sick and the elderly; they pray for the needs of our world and community.
A Catholic school is not perfect. Human beings work and learn in Catholic schools and humans are fallible. But our belief and hope is that people learn from their mistakes and work toward becoming the person God wills them to be.
A Catholic school cannot solve every problem. In some cases, other educational alternatives will better serve a child's needs. If this is the case, teachers, administrators, and parents work together to find what will be most beneficial for the student.
A Catholic school is not free. The revenue to support Catholic schools comes from tuition and fees paid by parents, subsidies from Catholic churches, and the commitment of benefactors. Because they believe in the value of Catholic education and view it as an investment in the students' future, parents and Catholic school personnel make financial sacrifices necessary to support the mission of the school.
Is a Catholic school right for you?