English Language Arts
English I
9th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
This survey course in world literature is designed to expand upon students' competencies in English usage and mechanics, oral and written communication, and classical and contemporary literature. Activities are designed to offer in depth studies of poetry, novels, essays, short stories, and dramatic literature. Students use library research skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, and creative writing abilities to demonstrate English proficiency. Grammar studies include advanced composition, clauses, and phrases as well as improved effectiveness in expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative writing. Students are required to read one novel during the summer.
Honors English I
9th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
The honors course covers the same content and skills taught in English I. Honors English students must already possess competent literary analysis skills through written and verbal means. They will work nightly on reading and writing assignments. Students are required to read two novels during the summer.
English II
10th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
English II is a course in American literature that focuses on reading and composition. This course allows students to make connections in literature, history, and culture through the study of early American writings. Composition is a major component of this course and will vary depending on the unit of study. The material will be engaging yet challenging. Students are required to read one novel during the summer.
Honors English II
10th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
This course covers the same material as English II (i.e. formal study of literature, grammar, vocabulary, and composition), but at a more challenging level. The course is designed to give the students the foundations of analytical writing, extended literary analysis, and exploration of the cultural and historical significance of the works studied. Students write, in addition to a research paper, descriptive, persuasive, and expository writings of various lengths. The primary literature focus will be on American literature from Native American myths to Trancendentalist works. Students are expected to read more involved texts and to write more frequently than students in English II. Students are required to read two novels during the summer.
English III College Preparatory
11th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
English III is designed to assist students both in developing a lifetime habit of intelligent reading and in mastering written expression in a variety of forms. The format prepares students for college by improving study skills, vocabulary, and comprehensive reading and writing skills. The reading list is composed of American literature from 1865 to 2020. Students learn various forms of academic writing including expository, descriptive, and narrative. While mastery of the formal essay is the main focus, students are encouraged to express their ideas and insights in creative writing assignments. Students are required to read one novel during the summer.
Honors English III
11th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
The honors course provides the same content taught in English III, which consists of American literature selections from 1865 to 2020. Honors English students should be able to express sophisticated, literary analysis through written and verbal means, and they should be willing to work nightly on reading and writing assignments. They will also be encouraged to express their ideas and insights in several creative writing assignments and in class Socratic seminars. Students are required to read two novels during the summer.
AP English Language and Composition
11th Grade
Prerequisites: Honors English I or Honors English II and teacher recommendation
Full year - 1 credit
AP English Language and Composition assists highly motivated and advanced students to become skilled readers of nonfiction written in a variety of periods, disciplines, and rhetorical contexts. Students become skilled writers who can compose for a variety of purposes. The course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and composition curriculum. Weekly formal essays, nightly reading, and summer reading/writing assignments are required.
English IV
12th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
English IV is a survey course in British literature. This course expands upon students' competencies in English usage and mechanics, oral and written communication, and classical and contemporary literature. Activities are designed to offer in-depth studies of poetry, novels, essays, short stories, and dramatic literature. Students use library research skills, analytical and critical thinking skills, and creative writing abilities to demonstrate English proficiency. Some grammar studies are included, but a working knowledge of grammar is expected. Students are required to read one novel during the summer.
Honors English IV
12th Grade
Full Year - 1 credit
This course explores the same content and skills taught in English IV, which consists of British literature selections. Honors English students should be able to express sophisticated, literary analysis through written and verbal means, and work nightly on reading and writing assignments. Students are required to read two additional novels during the summer.
AP Literature and Composition
12th Grade
Prerequisites: AP Language and Composition or Honors English III, teacher recommendation
Full Year - 1 credit
AP English Literature and Composition, similar in content and rigor to a first year college literature class, focuses on analysis of literary works of various genres by authors of various periods and cultures. The goal of the class is to engage students in the careful reading and critical analysis of literature by considering a work's structure, style and themes, figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. This course prepares students for the AP exam through study and practice.